Study Confirms Vaping Far Less Toxic Than Smoking
Study Confirms Vaping Far Less Toxic Than Smoking
A recent study, conducted by the Center of Excellence for the acceleration of Harm Reduction of the University of Catania (CoEHAR), has found vaping to be a far less toxic method of nicotine delivery than traditional tobacco cigarettes. In this article we will discuss the key findings of the study and the benefits of making the transition away from cigarettes.
The Study - Vaping Vs. Smoking Cigarettes
Historically many studies in this field were conducted by the tobacco industry. Using today’s research standards, this constitutes a conflict of interest. For this reason, the CoEHAR created The Replica Project, a project carried out by five independent university research teams with the goal of assessing the validity and reliability of previous findings using improved research methodology.
The specific study discussed in this article was to determine if there was reliable toxicological evidence that electronic nicotine delivery systems (ENDS), could help “reduce the burden of smoking-related morbidity and mortality by substantially reducing exposure to the harmful compounds in cigarette smoke” (Caruso et al., 2021).
Findings - Vaping Vs Cigarettes
The study consisted of three experiments aimed at assessing the cytotoxicity of tobacco cigarettes and electronic nicotine delivery systems in NCI-H292 cells, a cell present in human lungs. The experiments found substantially reduced toxicity in NCI-H292 cells when nicotine exposure was induced through electronic delivery compared to conventional cigarette smoke. Meaning, vaping is a less toxic method of nicotine delivery than traditional cigarettes. Additionally, the findings confirmed earlier findings that “acute cytotoxicity is due mainly to effects of the volatile components of cigarette smoke on the cells of the lung epithelium rather than by nicotine” (Caruso et al., 2021). Meaning, the combustible products in cigarettes are causing more harm to the user than the nicotine itself. As a result, vaping is a less harmful option because it eliminates the harmful combustible elements in cigarette smoke.
Takeaways - Vaping Or Smoking
According to the truth initiative, more than 95% of people fail when attempting to quit smoking cold turkey, with only three to five percent succeeding for longer than six months. To incorrectly group vaping in with traditional cigarettes is counterproductive to tobacco harm reduction efforts. With such low success rates, it would be beneficial to position vaping as an alternative to abrupt quitting that also helps reduce the overall harm of smoking.
Shop Wicks and Wires starter kits to begin transitioning from cigarettes to vaping, or read our guide on the Best Vaping Options for Heavy Smokers.
The full study can be read HERE.
Source: Caruso, M., Emma, R., Distefano, A. et al. Electronic nicotine delivery systems exhibit reduced bronchial epithelial cells toxicity compared to cigarette: the Replica Project. Sci Rep 11, 24182 (2021)
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payal das
Feb 23, 2023
i want the vape